Filed in Personal — January 1, 2021


It is a new year and I think while many of us are excited to see 2020 go we are feeling anxious about how 2021 will look. With the start of a new year it is a great time to reflect on your growth of the previous year. Instead of trying to predict or control what 2021 has in store for us we can use this time to reflect on the growth we experienced last year and set intentions for ourselves for the upcoming year. 

A new year provides us the opportunity to review what we’ve learned.  Growth can be painful, and I think 2020 was a struggle for the entire world. Along with that struggle came growth and allowed us to prove our resilience. 

Looking back over the last 12 months, I am grateful for the challenges I have endured.  It is in these obstacles that taught me how to conquer, and find the courage it takes to align with what really matters to me and what my purpose is. 

We can use the end of the year to truly explore our failures and, ultimately, our successes. We ask ourselves where we could’ve made better decisions. We can make sure we are align and live from our hearts and true intentions. We have control over the little decisions we make daily, and those little actions add up to lead us to different paths. By setting intentions and being mindful of how we react to challenges we can set ourselves up for growth and strength in the New Year. 

Setting intentions helps to direct the mind. It allows us to find and focus on our purpose.  Focusing on your heart and what’s important to you creates clarity and self-discovery so you can live a life full of joy no matter what’s thrown at you. 

Here are 3 steps to setting intentions for the New Year 

  • Sink into the deepest parts of yourself and reflect on what brings you the greatest joy, satisfaction, and energy. What do you feel passionate about? What gives you a sense of purpose? Learn to listen to your inner voice. It connects you to truth and deeper meaning. We all deserve to live a life that has purpose and connects us to the world we are living in. Follow your heart.
  • Create a word or a short phrase that sums up your intentions. An affirmation that will help support you this year. For 2020 mine was, “I am strong in Mind Body and Spirit.” Repeat this to yourself often and post it somewhere you can see it often. 
  • Make a vision board or a list and put it somewhere you can see if daily. 

To get started, take some time to write it out and ask yourself some questions some of these questions

  1. What inspires you?  What do you want to cultivate more of in your life?
  2. What are you grateful for in your life? What seems to be working well?
  3. Where can you make some positive changes and where do you want to grow?

Now make a list to help you create these changes that will lead you to greater fulfillment. Intentions are not goals.  Goals put pressure on us and have an external outcome. Intentions align us with our purpose. Happy New Year. 

I hope this year brings hope, light love and healing for you. Happy New Year, Friends.


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