Filed in Life Beyond the Lens — April 23, 2020

Life Beyond the Lens – Mindset

Today on my IGTV I am talking about mindset. You can watch HERE and follow along with the blog below.

What can you do to practice mindset growth? The good news is that anyone can cultivate a growth mindset, it just takes a bit of practice.

Here are three ways that experts say you can get started on practicing your growth mindset:

  • Get self-aware about your gifts, talents, and weaknesses. Mindset expert, Angelina Zimmerman, says that self reflection can be complemented by asking others for feedback “as they can offer slightly different views and give you an overall perspective on what to focus on and areas for development.”
  • Make your growth and learning visible. Education Consultant, Emily Diehl, says that one of the things that really shifted things for the educators that she works with was behaving differently in meetings and trainings. “We spoke up when we didn’t understand something. We started saying, “Can you tell me more about that?” instead of pretending to (at least sort of) know things already.”
  • Embrace challenges. Psychologist, Sherrie Campbell, says that embracing challenges can be one of the best ways to build growth mindset. “Confronting our challenges makes for a smaller ego and brings the humility of realizing there are some things we still need to learn. When we take action in the face of challenge, we develop a sense of personal responsibility, instead of looking to others as a source of blame or help.”

Life beyond the lens was born out of a desire to help other creative women who are overwhelmed and experiencing burnout. I wanted to create tools to help them create a life of abundance and joy. We are so much more than the hats the wear, I want to share my life outside of being a wedding photographer. I have a full life beyond my lens that keeps me healthy. I want to share with you the lifestyle hacks I have developed over the years to help me create a life that is healthy and happy. I hope you enjoy this new series that will be airing every Thursday on Instagram!


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